Coral is an integrated Library system that helps your library management using secure web-based system.
Smart Library Management System
Works with large schools or medical colleges Libraries with multiple locations to manage from a single system.

Coral is a complete Integrated Library Management system built from ground up keeping in mind the ever-changing requirements of modern libraries with large user base and multiple locations.
Coral is a modular LMS with intuitive and comprehensive dashboards.
Coral Features
Library Management
All common tasks are quick to perform and reports are on your finger-tips. Library members (also known as patrons) have a separate portal called OPAC – Online Public Access Catalogue – that is accessible over any device supporting standard-compliant web-browser.
The entire system is online and accessible over multitude of device formats like Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, and Smartphones etc. Responsive design adapting to your device and your preference providing full functionality provides you full access to all the features for your staff, management and members alike.
Security is built-in unlike other software where it is later added as a layer. Secure logins are supported with SMS and App-based OTPs, supporting both smartphones and traditional mobile phones equally. Application is accessible over TLS/SSL ensuring full encryption of data transmission.
Operational Support
To ensure smooth operations and performance of the system, Mavorion System deploys NMS to monitor and manage aspects of systems, operations and network.
With visibility into operational parameters our teams can swiftly tend to any potential issues and resolve them, often before any user detects them.
Mavorion has in-house expertise on all the important aspects of development, delivery and implementation for all our projects. We develop specially built systems, software and tools to address integration needs without relying on any third party vendors.
Additionally, Mavorion has in-house expertise on Network, Internet, System, Cloud, Data-Center and Security allowing us to tackle any potential issues that might affect the integrity, operations and performance of our software with reduced dependency on third party vendors.
Online public access Catalog or OPAC provides online access to your patrons (borrowers). Your patrons can check if a title is available for checkout or not from the comfort of their class, without setting foot on the library. They can book, renew lease or request for a book online.
For the libraries with mutliple branches, the OPAC offer the choice of where to return the titles.
Why Coral?
Mavorion Systems posses skills and experties, some of the best in industry, on both spectrum of software development and delivery. Software development, as well as, Systems & operations are core skills of Mavorion Systems.
Building scalable system capable of handling hundred of thousands of users and millions of catalogue items is possible with deep insight into scalable system deployment and network operations skill-sets. With over decades of experience building and deploying large systems.